39 Quotes & Sayings By Marge Piercy

Marge Piercy is the author of the novels The Woman Who Walked to Earth, winner of the National Book Award; Woman on the Edge of Time, which also won the National Book Award; and her most recent novel, The First Stone. She has written poetry since she was nine years old. Her poem "The Black Hole" won a Pulitzer prize, and she has received numerous other awards for her work. Her book The Way the Crow Flies was made into a film by Wim Wenders.

To Have Without Holding:Learning to love differently is hard, love with the hands wide open, lovewith the doors banging on their hinges, the cupboard unlocked, the windroaring and whimpering in the roomsrustling the sheets and snapping the blindsthat thwack like rubber bandsin an open palm. It hurts to love wide openstretching the muscles that feelas if they are made of wet plaster, then of blunt knives, thenof sharp knives. It hurts to thwart the reflexesof grab, of clutch, to love and letgo again and again. It pesters to rememberthe lover who is not in the bed, to hold back what is owed to the workthat gutters like a candle in a cavewithout air, to love consciously, conscientiously, concretely, constructively. I can't do it, you say it's killingme, but you thrive, you glowon the street like a neon raspberry, You float and sail, a helium balloonbright bachelor's buttons blue and bobbingon the cold and hot winds of our breath, as we make and unmake in passionatediastole and systole the rhythmof our unbound bonding, to haveand not to hold, to lovewith minimized malice, hungerand anger moment by moment balanced. Marge Piercy
The real writer is one who really writes. Talent is...
The real writer is one who really writes. Talent is an invention like phlogiston after the fact of fire. Work is its own cure. You have to like it better than being loved. Marge Piercy
Thinking about tracking.. .. Sometime in grade school, already your...
Thinking about tracking.. .. Sometime in grade school, already your fate was settled, your socialclass was established for the rest of your life. Marge Piercy
Subject that got people aroused . was Who Owns America? . They had a chart going . filling in connections between the big local contractors and the steel companies and the city and county governments and the unions . . and the downtown merchants. They found they still did not know who owned obvious centers of power like the banks. They did not know who owned the local paper. Or the radio stations. . Marge Piercy
I want to do something very important. Like fly into...
I want to do something very important. Like fly into the past and make it come out right. Marge Piercy
In fiction, I exercise my nosiness. I am as curious as my cats, and indeed that has led to trouble often enough and used up several of my nine lives. I am an avid listener. I am fascinated by other people's lives, the choices they make and how that works out through time, what they have done and left undone, what they tell me and what they keep secret and silent, what they lie about and what they confess, what they are proud of and what shames them, what they hope for and what they fear. The source of my fiction is the desire to understand people and their choices through time. Marge Piercy
Where do dreams come from?...they slink out of books, they...
Where do dreams come from?...they slink out of books, they lurk in the stacks of libraries. Out of pages turned they rise like the scent of peonies and infect the brain with their promises. Marge Piercy
Drifting with things is a habit it takes almost dying...
Drifting with things is a habit it takes almost dying to break. Marge Piercy
They were in love with apocalypse, like all men, more...
They were in love with apocalypse, like all men, more in love with myths than with any woman. Marge Piercy
Whenever the balance of power was unequal, there was a driver and a driven. Power was the lethal vice, the turn-on with evil built into it, because it required a victim to manifest itself. Power implied subject and object. They needed some way to recognize (for everyone to recognize) that everybody was a subject. Marge Piercy
When will women not be compelledto view their bodies as science projects, gardens to be weeded, dogs to be trained? When will a woman ceaseto be made of pain? Marge Piercy
A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not be done Marge Piercy
We can only know what we can truly imagine. Finally what we see comes from ourselves. Marge Piercy
Never in your life have you been helpless–under somebody’s heel. You never lived where your enemies held power over you, power to run your life or wipe it out. You can’t understand. That’s how come you stand there feeding me empty slogans! ” Luciente bowed her head. “You crit me justly, Connie. Forgive me. I’ll try to see your situation more clearly and make less loud noises in your ears. . Marge Piercy
People were not getting back what they wanted for their sold labor. Taxes grew and services shrank. Prices rose and quality decayed. Everywhere people felt used and betrayed and coerced and cheated. Marge Piercy
It's the last great free-for-all robbery of everybody's earth. Marge Piercy
An new idea is rarely born like Venus attended by graces. More commonly it's modeled of baling wire and acne. More commonly it wheezes and tips over. Marge Piercy
The societies kids naturally form are tribal. Gangs, clubs, packs. But we're herded into schools and terrified into behaving. Taught how we're supposed to pretend to be, taught to parrot all kinds of nonsense at the flick of a switch, taught to keep our heads down and our elbows in and shut off our minds and shut off our sex. We learn we can't even piss when we have to. That's how we learn to be plastic and dumb. Marge Piercy
Shall I tell you something I've been noticing? The mistrust this society has for women. All kinds of experts and officials are terrified because so many women are working. They really think that women have to be coerced into having babies and raising kids. Marge Piercy
Nobody hates us as ourselves. In their minds we're not human... They don't hate us because we did something or said something. They make us stand for an evil they invent and then they want to kill it in us. Marge Piercy
No, It's not fair. But I was thinking more along the lines of the Pentagon and Washington itself. Sometimes I suspect that those who are running things might grow addicted to power. Secrecy's essential in wartime, but once in place, will it ever be removed? Marge Piercy
A little man in a threadbare coat spoke up for the poor as if he really knew what he was talking about. The women with the flowers threw them down for him. “That’s Robert Speer, ” one said. “Something like that. He’s our man. Marge Piercy
They found the library sadly lacking in texts they could use. Marge Piercy
If I die this instant will you be more content with the morning news? Will your coffee taste better? I am not your fate. I am not your government… I am not your mother, not your father or your nightmare or your health. I am not a fence, not a wall. I am not the law or actuarial tables of your insurance broker. I am a woman with my guts loose in my hands, howling and it’s not because I committed hari-kiri. I suggest either you cook me or sew me back up. I suggest you walk into my pain as into the breaking waves of an ocean of blood, and either we will climb out together and walk away. . Marge Piercy
Troubles cured you salty as a country ham smoky to the taste thick-skinned and tender inside. Marge Piercy
The will to be totally rational is the will to be made out of glass and steel: and to use others as if they were glass and steel. Marge Piercy
Life is the first gift love is the second and understanding the third. Marge Piercy
If you want to be listened to you should put in time listening. Marge Piercy
What a richly colored strong warm coat is woven when love is the warp and work is the woof. Marge Piercy
The pitcher cries for water to carry and a person for work that is real. Marge Piercy
A new idea is rarely born like Venus attended by graces. More commonly it's modeled of baling wire and acne. More commonly it wheezes and tips over. Marge Piercy
Live as if you like yourself and it may happen. Marge Piercy
Connections are made slowly sometimes they grow underground. Marge Piercy
Work is its own cure. You have to like it better than being loved. Marge Piercy
A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not be done. Marge Piercy
My strength and my weakness are twins in the same womb. Marge Piercy
Never doubt that you can change history. You already have. Marge Piercy
Sleeping together is a euphemism for people, but tantamount to marriage with cats. Marge Piercy